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Law Office Of Andrei Blakely

Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyer Defends Montgomery County Youths

Have you, or your son or daughter, been arrested for a minor misdemeanor or basic felony in Montgomery County, Maryland? Criminal defense attorney Adrei Blakely will help protect their rights and future.

Montgomery County, in Maryland, is about as rich and diversified as regions get in the US these days. It is all too easy for kids or young adults to feel immortal and untouchable here. Yet a simple mistake or brush with the police can send their life spiraling off course and put their freedom and future at risk.

If you, or your child, have been arrested, for example for Driving Under the Influence (DUI), minor drug charges, it is vital you act fast to prevent the charge from having a devastating affect on your future. Fortunately, the early intervention of attorneys like defense lawyer Andrei Blakely, can make a world of difference.

As a former journalist, Andrei Blakely spent nearly a decade hearing far too many stories of young lives ruined or futures forfeited to law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Now, as a criminal defense lawyer, he intervenes, as early as possible, in criminal cases to break that cycle and make sure the rights and freedoms of youths and adults alike are respected in Montgomery County.

Criminal Defense Lawyer, Montgomery County, MD

Montgomery Youths Face “Simple” Charges With Critical Stakes

Most teenagers or young adults who get caught up by the police are not facing serious felony charges. While the occasional aggravated assault charge comes up, the charges that youths tend to face in Montgomery County are not, on the surface, so severe.

They tend to be offenses born of overconfidence, foolishness, naivety, or trusting the wrong friends. Driving Under the Influence charges come up far too often, as do simple assault charges for after-school fights. Drug possession is another common offense, though it can all too quickly and arbitrarily become much more serious drug distribution charges.

Nevertheless, the direct judicial penalties for most of these charges are, relatively speaking, fairly minor. A few months of jail time, often given as probation, and fines even young adults can afford. Unfortunately, these consequences are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the real impact of criminal charges, especially on the young.

What Are The Consequences Of Criminal Conviction In Montgomery County, Maryland

Facing a prosecutor or judge doling out judicial penalties is certainly stressful and intimidating, but it is relatively minor compared with what the rest of the world has in store for those convicted of a crime, even the young.

Loss Of Freedom And Independence In Montgomery County

The first, and perhaps most obvious, loss most young Marylanders will face after being convicted of a crime, and sometimes the only one they will actually feel or anticipate, is the loss of their independence or mobility. For example, after a DUI conviction, their driver’s license will almost certainly be suspended.

For some, this might only be an inconvenience, but for others who depend on their car to commute to work or school in Montgomery County, such a penalty can become a very real economic burden. Probation, or electronic anklet surveillance, can have a similar role and is often the first indirect penalty younger generations actually and acutely feel.

Unfortunately, these are just the obvious short-term penalties.

Criminal Defense Lawyer, Montgomery County, MD

Long-Term Costs Of A Montgomery County Criminal Conviction

Our children have always been notoriously short sighted, but the costs of a criminal conviction can extend for years, if not decades, and impact a huge swatch of their future.

Colleges are not big fans of criminal convictions, and you can bet early job opportunities will balk even further at hiring your son with a record than someone else without one. There is no straightforward way to calculate or quantify exactly what that impact could mean over a lifetime, but there is no doubt that the economic and social penalty of a conviction dwarf those of a fine.

Worst still, these are the kinds of penalties your son or daughter are the least likely to take into account, and the most likely to discount or ignore, because they happen in a yet distant future. They are also tough to avoid. Though by working with an experienced criminal defense lawyer you can sometimes avoid the worst of them.

Get A Montgomery County Lawyer Between Your Kid And The Law

Andrei Blakely | The Montgomery County, Maryland, criminal defense attorney your son or daughter needs to beat a life-changing conviction.

The intervention of an experienced lawyer can have a huge impact on the outcome of anyone's case, especially if they get to it early.

The sooner a skilled defense attorney like Andrei Blakely is able to intervene in your case, the more they can do to make a difference. If you want to avoid a conviction for yourself or your child, if you want to ensure your freedom, rights, and future are protected, call (240) 331-0083 now.

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